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An Urgent Message on Education to the Presidential Candidates from Public School Parents and other Stakeholders across the
September 7, 2008
Dear Senators Obama and McCain:
We would like to congratulate you on your nominations for President. As public school parents and other stakeholders, we want to bring to your attention the critical need to improve the opportunities of millions of children throughout the country who attend markedly inferior schools that deny them an adequate chance to succeed.
We have read your education positions and believe that the concerns we raise and the proposals we suggest would help focus and strengthen your plans for improving our nation's schools.
In recent weeks, two different statements have been released by advocates, academics and elected officials, with very different perspectives about how to improve our nation's public schools, particularly for poor and minority students.
The first statement by the Education Equality Project called for even more high stakes testing, merit pay for teachers, competition, and charter schools, and pointed to the teachers unions as the major obstacles in achieving success.
We would call this approach NCLB on steroids. Rather than improving our schools, more high stakes testing and merit pay based on standardized test scores will likely further punish our neediest students, diminishing their educational experience and leading to even more teacher turnover, test prep, narrowing of the curriculum, and less time and effort given to authentic learning in their schools. It will also contribute to more test score inflation, meaning that student scores will no longer provide reliable evidence of their actual level of achievement.
Although we believe that as a society we should be doing more to expand healthcare and reduce income inequality, we also believe that this perspective significantly understates the potential for dramatic improvements, particularly in those schools that most minority and high-poverty students attend, and the need for critical reforms to enhance their chance of success.
4. More parental involvement: Studies show that the more involved parents are at the school level, the better the outcomes for students. And yet the top- down, corporate approach to school governance currently used in cities throughout the country such as
As a nation we have an overarching moral imperative to provide all our children with the same educational opportunities that our more advantaged public and private school students take for granted, including the right to attend a safe and uncrowded school with smaller class sizes, a rich, high-quality curriculum, and more parental involvement.
Until these goals have been achieved, we cannot and should not give up on the potential of schools to transform lives.
We urge you to recognize this imperative, and if elected president, do everything in your power to ensure that every child who grows up in this country has the opportunity to attend the sort of school he or she needs for a better chance to learn and succeed.
Leonie Haimson
Executive Director, Class Size Matters
Julie Woestehoff
Executive Director, Parents United for Responsible Education
Louisa Acosta
Ann Agranoff
Mother, former PTA president of the
Gary L. Anderson
Kathleen R. Anderson
Diane Aoki
Parent and teacher activist
Jaime S. Austria
Parent and Member,
Wanda S. Ballentine
Former English teacher
Beth Bernett
PA co-president, School Leadership Team member, co-chair Multiple Assessment Commit
School of the Future,
Doris Porto (Brosnan)
Doctoral Candidate International Educational Development
Teachers College,
New York
Ann Chitwood
Business owner, former teacher and voter
Deirdre Cipolla
Parent, P.S. 187
New York
Richard Cornelius
Sabrina Craig
Cathy Dale
Member of Board, PURE
John de Beck
Vice President,
David Demnitz
Teacher, Dobbs Ferry; parent, District 2
Annette Evans
Pete Farruggio, PhD.
22 years of bilingual teaching experience in low income schools
Assistant Professor,
Victoria Franzese
PTA Recording Secretary, PS 334
Karen Eve Friedland
Teaching Artist, parent
Lavinia Galatis
Community Education Council Vice President, District 30
Arthur Goldstein
ESL Teacher,
Adjunct Lecturer,
Martin Halacy
Lake View High School Teacher (Chicago Public Schools - 32 years)
LSC Member 1989-93
Patricia Hamilton
Britt Hamre
Asst. Professor, Teachers College,
Roxanne Hill
Dr. Susan Hirsch
Former LSC parent member, Whitney Young H.S.
Diane Kaese
Active parent, NYC public and private schools
Rachel Kaplan
Parent, teacher, Bank Street Head Start East
Jennifer Krueger
Parent, PS 290 and
Bryna Levin
Midtown West, PS 212 and East Side Middle
Jane Ludlam
Parent, District 3, MS 54/Booker T. Washington Middle School
Deborah Meier
senior scholar, New York University
former principal of K-12 public schools in NYC
MacArthur Fellow
Belkis Morales-Bermeo
Parent, District 24 and 30
Yvette Moustaffa
Parent, District 21
Celia Oyler, Ph.D.
Director Elementary Inclusive Program
Curriculum and Teaching
Teachers College,
Lynne Phillips
Former PTA co-President PS84
Manhattan NYC pre-school teacher 20 years
Nella Pramberger
Parent, PS 6,
Independent Commission on Public Education
Derek R. Randel
Dr. Judith Reed
Education Department,
Karen Gray Ruelle
Nancy Sall, Ed.D.
Lecturer, Teachers College,
Tina Schiller
Parent, PS 234 Overcrowding Committee
Jondi Whitis
George Wood
Principal, Federal Hocking Middle and High School
Julie Woodward
Neal Wrightson
Director, Children's
Katherine Zezula
Education student, University of Michigan/Flint
1 comment:
Blame professulas whose posh pensions graze on stumbent loan interest from
vacuous degrees in basket weaving commie nutty organizing. Turn grant
grubbing aghadhimmic blather into fuel, especially perverts like mayor crotch
who gas for obsama zbin biden. Your islamosympathic gutterswabbing clothing
and pierced privates spreads diesease. If you weren't such baby killing,
vermin snuggling perverts you wouldn't be driving up our health costs, then
collecting disability for your commie nutty organizing dementia. Your
passive aggressive labor unions grab our guns, cars (congestion pricing),
balls (SONDA), wallets, and homes but we will grab your throats and dang you
from trailer bone tolls. Repeal the seventeenth amendment before any VAT. All
the homeless are drugged out hippies. Second Amendment is the ONLY Homeland
Security. Wait until we waste all your stumbent subprimes, so you need to
sell your affectation glutton art and work instead of diverting tution and
Y2K scams to soviet freezeniks! When oil plummets, lych aghadhimmic peakies
abbetting soviet wealth funds.
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